Check this out if you are expecting:

Dr Amy Day from San Francisco Natural Medicine sent me a letter regarding Pregnancy and What to eat!

Julie Matthews is a certified nutrition consultant and an expert in autism, pregnancy and children’s nutrition. I’m pasting her letter below so you can take advantage of her free one-time only phone call this Wednesday evening at 5pm. Her new home-study course looks amazing as well. Please feel free to pass this on.

The number one question women have about pregnancy is “What’s healthy to eat?”

Serious science and common sense indicate that good nutrition is essential for a healthy pregnancy, and vital for fertility. But there is so much conflicting and confusing information about nutrition in the mainstream. What does your obstetrician say? Should we be eating traditional diets? Vegetarian diets?

And then our modern world presents challenges with nutrient deficient foods, and more toxins and food allergies than ever before. What foods are harmful during pregnancy?

Attend this FREE one-time only teleseminar with Julie Matthews (Certified Nutrition Consultant) to learn the LATEST information on this topic:

“7 Nutrition Secrets your OB Won’t Tell You
That Will Affect Your Pregnancy and Health of Your Baby”

Wednesday February 23rd at 5pm Pacific time (and 8pm EST)
(noon Thursday, Sydney Australia Time)…

On this call you’ll learn:

  • Specific foods that nourish pregnant mothers and babies and the myths/truths about animal foods and cholesterol.
  • How food additives can be harmful, even cause infertility, and simple ways to avoid them
  • What single nutrient most women are deficient in, that directly affects the long term health of mom and baby including risk of preterm labor, and proper development of the brain and immune system
  • Keys to stacking the deck in your favor against autism and other developmental delays through nutrition and holistic living
  • How to save 25% on the brand new nutrition course, Nutrition for Your Health Pregnancy and Baby

Read more here:

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Photography by Emily Payne

[email protected]


San Francisco

Newborn Photographer